
Ricardo Javaroni, CA

I am so thankful to you. Your presentation, your words, and most of all, your passion was contagious and it I will change my life and of the people around me.

Michelle Stelzen, OR

Cheri, this is my second time listening to you speak.
I just want to say I can relate on sooo many levels with what I have gone through in my life.

Angie Correa​, CUBG

Once again, thank you for your sponsorship and for taking the time to speak at CUBG’s National Business Services Conference in Washington, D.C.

Amy Sonnemann​, UnitedOne CU

Thank you for a terrific Business After Hours last night at UnitedOne Credit Union! I found the small group very interactive, upbeat, inspiring and very educational. ​

Debbie Osborne, SSPFCU

Thank you for your wonderful presentation today!
I always love it when you come talk with us. Everyone feels very inspired after you speak.

D300 Workshop Attendee

Very touching, I learned how to work better with my coworkers but more importantly how to engage and communicate better with my family! Thank you!

D300 Conference Attendee

Your personality is contagious Cheri! My biggest takeaway was how I can improve my personal relationships at home- the Gift of GRACE!

Greg McKendall, Kilter Home Services

I love the ENERGY and the passion you bring every time you speak with my team. The team is inspired to treat each other and our clients with more GRACE.

Castelli Group

We appreciate the value of this community and accountability with the coaching group. We have all grown and are better from going through Flight school by uncovering blind spots and operating with a different business mindset

Elizabeth, WA

Really thought the instruction from the coaches HP, Cheri & Renee were incredible and. I recognized instant results from feedback provided by Renee on opt-in and wiring of website to make it even more story branded, removing our company from the hero spotlight

Lisa, BMS

Love this platform of learning with all of the visual, workbook and implementation. Felt it is set up very well.
The accountability was key to implementation, I would purposely set time aside to achieve steps prior to our call so I could share with the group the progress I have made in my business from the ideas and coaching.

Lizzie, TX

Loved the self pace so I could work on what I needed for my business at the time.
The workbooks are really important to print and have with the instruction so I can refer back to them when focusing on one area of my business. You get out of it what you put into it

Joe, Castelli Group

I look at Flight school similar to what bootcamp would be;
very intense with strong direction.

Chestnut, WA

Helped me focus on one area of my business to get better at.
Phenomenal training and community, cannot wait to tap into more of this.